
【113-1】六宿小冰箱中籤名單The Name List of Fridge of Dorm VI

公告類型: 宿舍公告
點閱次數: 435


1.               113-1學期宿舍冰箱中籤名單如附件所示候補人員將於繳費截止後通知,如未通知則表示無候補上。

2.               113-1學期宿舍冰箱繳費、拿取時間及地點,將寄信到中籤同學的信箱。

3.               若有問題請同學至服務台或宿管辦公室詢問,以維護自身權利,未盡事宜得另行公告

1.                   The name list of the dorm residents applying for the fridges  for the 2024 fall semester is as the attachment. We’ll inform the residents     on the waiting list after the end of payment if some residents  on the name list won’t pay the fee.

2.               We'll send the email to the students who has successfully applied for the fridge for 2024 Fall semester .(The email may include the details-when to pay, when/where to take the fridge.)

3.               If you have any questions, please require the staff at the   front desk or Dorm VI office for help.

發布日期: 2024/09/16
發布人員: 邱湘晴