
111-2六宿小冰箱申請 Dormitory VI Fridge Application

公告類型: 宿舍公告
點閱次數: 433

l   111-2學期第六宿舍小冰箱租用,一學期1000/台。即日起到1111130()中午12點可上網申請
Dorm residents who’d like to apply for the fridge(1000 NT dollars/per one for a semester) can apply online now until 12 pm on 30 Nov. 2022.

l   冰箱中籤名單與候補名單(5) 111122()晚上7點公告。
The qualified list and the waiting list (5 residents) will be announced at 7 pm on 2 Dec. 2022.

l   冰箱租用繳費時間及領取冰箱時間將於112/2/8()公告。

The timetable for fridge payments and for taking fridges will be announced on 8 Feb. 2023.

詳如附件 For more information, please read the attached.
發布日期: 2022/11/23
發布人員: 蔡卉慈