一、本校第五宿舍位於南台街上(第三宿舍對面)日前已改建完成,全棟宿舍共七間單人套/雅房,一樓為共享廚房。二、申請資格:本校碩博士生學生。三、申請時間:即日起至滿床為止,請致電生輔組(06-2533131#2201施小姐)詢問。四、住宿/繳費規定:(一)由於第五宿舍位於校外,考量到碩、博士生的獨立性與課業繁重,申請住宿者寒暑假不須撤宿。住宿費採學期收費制,惟住宿時間每次至少一年(9月1日至隔年8月31日),隔年如不續住者,請於7月31日前告知,以利候補作業。(二)住宿費:單人雅房-21000元(半年);單人套房-33000元(半年)(含冷氣點數4500點,超用後請自行至第六宿舍大廳儲值)(三)凡登記有床位者一律於公告繳費期間內完成繳費,若欲申辦就學貸款的同學,請於公告時間內完成繳費或至生輔組填寫住宿保證書,再至銀行辦理就貸(如有問題請洽生輔組),否則視同棄權論。(四)繳完住宿費之同學須於110年9月1日前,上網做「確認」的程序,確認單(住宿保證書)可列印下來自行保存。確認網址: https://aura.stust.edu.tw/dorm_draw_old/confirm_login.aspx五、一般規定:(一)申請住宿期限為一學年(上、下兩學期)、;除休、退、轉學、重大傷殘疾病者、學校核可之實習/海外研習及特殊情事經審查同意者外,已住宿學生一律不得退宿(含下學期),自行離宿者宿舍費不退費,且仍需繳交下學期住宿費。應屆畢業生、延修生、不得以下學期課程少為理由申請下學期退宿。請同學慎重決定再申請登記住宿,以免影響其他想住宿同學之權益。(二)須遵守宿舍生活公約之規定。(三)申請登記作業必須由申請人親自至生輔組辦理,務必請先與家長聯絡,並告知相關作業規定。(四)凡冒名抽籤或私下頂讓者,除立即取消住宿資格予以退宿外,並依校規議處。(經查屬實,借名與冒名者均處分。)學務處生活輔導組暨學生宿舍自治委員會
Notice: 2021 Fall&2022
Spring Semester Dorm V Application
1. Dorm V is on
NanTai Street and has been renewed this year. There are five single suites and
two single rooms with shared bath room. There’s a kitchenette at first floor.
2. Qualified Applicant:
Master and PhD students
3. Application
Period: Now until all rooms are taken. Please contact Ms. Sunny Shih for
further information. (06-2533131 #2201)
Dorm regulations:
a. The Dorm V is on NanTai Street. We consider the applicants are masters or PhDs,
if you applied for the dorm V, you don’t need to check out during the winter/summer
break. However, once you apply for the dorm, you have to stay in the dorm for
one year. (Sep. 1 to next Aug. 31). If you won’t stay in the dorm for the
coming year, you have to inform us before Jul. 31 so that we can contact the students
who are on the waiting lists to move in.
b. dorm fees:
single room with shared bathroom: $NT21,000(half year)
single room with private bathroom: $NT33,000(half year)
(With 4,500 points for the air-conditioner, over usage should be deposited by
your own at Dorm VI. )
c. For the local students who can pay with student loans, please pay the fee
first or sign the agreement to postpone your payment.
d. After you pay the dorm fee, you have to read the student dorm regulations
and confirm that you won’t violate the dorm rules.
confirmation website:
5. General
a. Once you apply for the dorm, you need to stay in the dorm for the
whole academic year (2021 Fall and 2022 Spring Semesters). If
you move out from the dorm due to personal reasons, you still have to pay the
dorm fee.
b. You need to clean your room and pack all your belongings during the
summer/winter vacations because of the dorm closing,
disinfection or maintenance.