
[108-2] 學生宿舍防疫公告

公告類型: 宿舍公告
點閱次數: 1858

108-2 學期學生宿舍防疫公告:

Prevention for the coronavirus in student Dorm

1.    宿舍已於日前完成消毒作業,開學後將繼續加強公共區域消毒工作,宿舍各房間則需請住宿生自行加強清潔,並做好自我健康評估與管理。

2.    2/293/1日兩天辦理宿舍進住,進入宿舍之住宿生及家屬請配合量測額溫,額溫達37度以上者【臺南市衛生局防疫標準訂定耳溫≧38˚C、腋()溫≧37.5˚C、額溫≧37.0˚C為發燒現象】,宿管人員將採取適當的防護措施,引導相關人員戴上口罩及協助盡速就醫治療。倘在家中已有發燒、呼吸道症狀或腹瀉等情況,建議迅速就醫治療,俟身體異常狀況確定或情況改善確實好轉後,再辦理進住宿舍。

3.    為因應防疫需求,108-2學期宿舍房間如未滿住,將於學期開始時通知房間調整,以利釋出全空房整備,造成不便之處敬請見諒。

4.    本學期各宿舍交誼廳/公共冰箱不開放並改為單一出入口進出宿舍。

5.    如因疫情影響,依教育部公告大專停課標準,學校必須停課時,宿舍將啟動緊急應變措施-第一宿舍將轉換成防疫隔離宿舍,提供境外生或其他特殊狀況學生居家隔離使用。住宿生必須配合於半天內完成打包(房內除衣櫃外其餘物品均須清空,行李存放於衣櫃後以膠帶密封;另視情況提供紙箱收納無法帶走的行李,一律存放於宿舍交誼廳。)住宿生請於打包好後返家;無法返家者,則視情況安排學校其他宿舍居住。

6.    非一宿住宿生,如遇學校停課時,亦請打包行李並優先返家居住,無法返家者,屆時將造冊集中管理。(境外生難返家已優先造冊免填)



7.    防疫期間,建議住宿生僅帶必需用品入住,不必要的用品建議仍先打包或帶回家,以便遇到停課時能快速撤離。



108-2 學期學生宿舍防疫公告:


Prevention for the coronavirus in student Dorm

1.    We’ve done disinfection work during winter break. After the semester starts, we will strength the disinfection work in public areas in the dorms. Residents should clean up your own room regularly and frequently and evaluate your own health condition.

2.     During the dorm check-in date, we may take your temperature. If it’s over 37 degree, we may ask you to put on face mask and assist you to go to the hospital. After the condition has changed, you may check in the dorm. (For foreign students we may have quarantine area for you to stay until you recover.)

3.    Due to the prevention work, if there’s an empty dorm bed in your room, we will inform you to move to other room so that we may prepare enough empty rooms for future use. We apologize for the inconvenience occurs.

4.    We may close the living lounges and public fridges this semester and only open one entrance in each dorm.

5.    If the coronavirus breaks out and the school has temporarily suspended. We may start the emergency plan in the dorm. The first dorm will change into quarantine dorm area which will only accept foreign/special condition students who need to be quarantined in a short period. The original dorm residents in dorm I should pack all your belongings in the closet (seal it after) or in boxes and put them in the living lounge. The local students should go back home as soon as possible.

6.    Other dorm residents, while facing the suspension for all school, should go back home as soon as possible. For the foreign dorm residents who cannot go home may stay in the dorm and there will be a further notice.

7.    During the prevention period, we suggest dorm residents only unpack your necessity so that you may pack and leave the dorm soon if needed.

發布日期: 2020/02/27
發布人員: 施宜君