
[108-1] 期末撤宿及寒假住宿注意事項2019 Fall semester dorm check-out Notice

公告類型: 宿舍公告
點閱次數: 4154

一、  為配合寒假住宿生進住第六宿舍與修繕工程,需要配合淨空的寢室為六宿(男生64間、女生73),如附件,請將個人物品清空,可裝箱放置於13F交誼廳

二、  非淨空寢室同學(含一、三宿)不用撤宿:物品留原房(如有申請下學期調房且調房成功者,也必須將物品清空放置到交誼廳);以寢室為單位,房間需整理乾淨,垃圾自行丟棄,並將個人物品收妥裝箱置放於櫃子內或桌子下方(自行加鎖,遺失概不負責),經各樓樓長檢查合格後,方可離開【欲提早離宿者,需先向樓長申請提早檢查】。未服從規定者,依各宿幹部呈報論處。

三、  請第六宿舍指定寒住房間(須搬遷淨空)同學能於撤宿時間結束前遷出(學校提供13樓交誼廳供同學擺放行李,並請同學將行李裝箱,貼上名條標籤,請宿舍幹部點交件數,整齊擺放),交誼廳寒假期間將封閉不使用,以利後續清潔檢查進住,未按時遷出者以校規懲處。















    進住六宿時間:109.1.12  1400~1730

撤宿時間:109.2.14  中午1200前。

三、  寒假住宿學生繳費時間13日至112日,







STUST Notice of Living Supervision Division  


2019 Fall semester dorm check-out Notice108-1期末撤宿

1.   There are 64 boy’s rooms and 73 girl’s rooms for winter stay and repair work. The list is as the attachment. Please keep your room clear and pack your luggage to the living room at 13F.

2.  If your room number is not as the attachment, you don’t need to move your luggage to other place. All you have to do is pack and store it in the closet and under the table. Please take the luxuries with you, the dorm management takes no responsibility for any items stored, lost, or stolen. Please ask your floor leader for check-out inspection.
If you don’t follow the directions from the dorm committee members, you may get demerit points.

3.  If your room number is as the attachment, please keep your room clear and empty. (You can put your luggage at the living room on 13F. Please stick a name tag on your luggage.) The living room will be closed during the winter.

4.  The time for the semester dormitory check-out is from 2020/01/10 (Fri) 12:00PM to 2020/01/12(Sun) 12:00PM (Every day until 17:30PM) (The check-in time for winter stay is on 2020/01/12, 14:00 PM to 17:30PM)

5.  While you check out from the dorm, we accept the opposite sex to enter the dorm and the time is as item 4. The floor leader will patrol whenever necessary and check at 20:00 PM every night.

6.  While checking out, please park your car at the parking lot and bring your own tools to move your luggage.

7.  Dorm I and Dorm III will be closed at 18:00 PM, 2020/1/12.

8.  The check-in time for 2020 spring semester is from 2020/2/15 to 2020/2/16, 9:00AM to 17:30PM. (If you stay in the dorm for the winter stay, please clean up the winter stay room and go back to your previous room on 2020/2/14.)

9.  The dorm fee for 2020 spring semester will be combined with your tuition. You don’t need to pay it separately.

10.               If you don’t apply for the winter stay, there’s no any excuse or reason for you to enter the dorm.

11.         If you have any questions about the check-out, please ask the dorm committee members or Ms. Sunny Shih for help.

2020 dorm check-in for winter stay

1.         You can find your room number online(after Jan.8):              

2.    The winter stay is from 2020/1/12 to 2020/2/14
The check-in time is from 2020/1/12, 14:00PM to 17:30
The check-out time for winter stay is before 12:00PM 2020/2/14(Please go back to your previous room.)

3.    The payment duration for winter stay is from 2020/1/3 to 2020/1/12. Please DO PAY your bill and you can check in with the receipt.

4.    You can download the slip from the website below or ask the reception to download it for you. (You can ask Ms. Sunny Shih for help as well at L102.) Please pay it at the convenience store. https://ebill.chb.com.tw/eBill/cs/student_login

5.    Please bring your student ID card and receipt with you when you check in for the winter stay.

6.    While you check out, please hand in the room card and clean up your own bed.Please check out before P.M.12:00, Feb. 14.

7.    Please follow the dorm regulation while you stay in the dorm.

發布日期: 2019/12/23
發布人員: 施宜君