
[110-2] 宿舍自習活動Study at Dorm Activity

公告類型: 宿舍公告
點閱次數: 622

宿舍自習活動Study at Dorm Activity

In order to raise the study atmosphere in the dorm, we hold this activity.

二、對象範圍:南臺住宿生All the dorm residents may join this activity.

三、實施方式The way to attend the activity


Please apply first through the google form. 2~3 hours in each activity and no more than 30 people may join in each activity.

2.自修開放時段入內後,請掃QR code完成簽到。
Please scan the QR code to get into the study room.

3.地點Place:六宿一樓多功能廳Multi-function room at 1F in dorm VI

4.實施期間The Activity Periods
From week 6 to week 18, every Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday night 7:00 PM to 9:00PM
Two weeks before mid-term exam and final exam we may have week day and weekend study plan.

 If you attend more than 40 activities, we’ll give you 10 student club points.
一學期參與20場自習活動未滿40場者,給予社團參與課程積分5分。If you attend more than 20 activities and less than 40 activities, we’ll give you 5 student club points.
一學期參與10場自習活動未滿20場者,給予社團參與課程積分3分。If you attend more than 10 activities and less than 20 activities, we’ll give you 3 student club points.

Notice to use the Multi-function room to study

The opening periods to study at the Multi-function room

Every Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday night 7:00 PM to 9:00PM

Two weeks before mid-term exam and final exam, we may open from 7:00 PM to 9:00PM during week days, 9:00AM to 12:00PM, 2:00PM to 17:00PM and 7:00 PM to 9:00PM during weekends

During the mid-term exam and final exam weeks, we may open the study room during Monday to Thursday night from 7:00 PM to 9:00PM

Only our dorm residents may use the multi-function room

二、一般規定General regulations

()自修開放時段請先上網登記方可使用。Please apply online first.

()自修開放時段入內後,請掃QR code完成簽到。
Please scan the QR code to get into the study room.

()為維護環境安寧,自修室內應保持安靜,禁止使用手機交談、飲食、嬉戲或其他影響閱讀之行為,垃圾請自行攜出,未遵守規定者,管理人員得停止當事人使用權。To keep the quietness in the study room, please be quiet and do NOT use the cellphone, eat, play or have the behaviors which may affect others. Please bring out your own garbage. Residents who don’t follow the rules may be suspended the right to use the study room.

()自修時段1人限使用1座位,嚴禁以物品佔位。如於自修期間因故暫時離開者,應於30分鐘內返回,若逾時未歸者,宿管單位得移除該座位上物品,凡超過當日晚間10點未領回者,將不負保管責任,當事人自行負責。Each person may take one seat only. Don’t occupy the seat by your stuff. If you need to leave the room for personal reason, please come back within 30 minutes. If you don’t return in time, we’ll remove your stuffs. If you don’t claim your stuffs before 10:00PM at the same day, we don’t have the responsibility to keep your stuff.

After the study room is closed, please don’t linger. Please turn off the light and put the chairs back before you leave the study room.  

()多功能廳內個人貴重物品請自行妥善保管,若有遺失恕不負責,公共物品若有損壞,請向宿管辦公室通報。 Please mind your personal belongings. We are not responsible for any lost. If you find any damage items in the study room, please report it to the dorm management.

()為節約能源,攝氏26度以上始開放使用冷氣,宿管得視多功能廳學生人數多寡調整冷氣機開啟數量。 In order to save the energy, we may turn on the air-conditioner while it’s over 26. We may adjust the air-conditioners by the number of the residents in the room.

發布日期: 2022/03/15
發布人員: 施宜君